►Nneml2 | |
►Ncrystallography | |
Ncrystal_symmetry_operators | |
CCrystalGeometry | Defines the geometry of a crystal system This includes a basic definition of the crystal lattice, via Bravais vectors and a CrystalClass object defining the crystal symmetry as well as the definition of the geometry of each slip system |
CCubicCrystal | Specialized crystal geometry for cubic crystals |
CFillMillerIndex | Create a single-batched "list" of Miller indices |
CSymmetryFromOrbifold | Provide the correct symmetry operators for a given crystal class |
Nindexing | |
►Nmath | |
Nlinalg | |
CConstantTensors | A helper class to hold static data of type torch::Tensor |
Nutils | |
CAnisotropicElasticity | |
CArrheniusParameter | A scalar-valued parameter following an Arrhenius type relation |
CAssociativeIsotropicPlasticHardening | |
CAssociativeJ2FlowDirection | The plastic flow direction assuming an associative J2 flow |
CAssociativeKinematicPlasticHardening | |
CAssociativePlasticFlow | |
CBackwardEulerTimeIntegration | |
CBufferStore | Interface for object which can store buffers |
CChabochePlasticHardening | |
CComposedModel | |
CConstantParameter | A parameter that is actually just a constant |
CCopyVariable | Copy the value of a variable into another variable |
CCrossRef | The wrapper (decorator) for cross-referencing unresolved values at parse time |
CCrystalMean | |
CCubicElasticityConverter | Converter for linearized elastic constants assuming cubic symmetry |
CCubicElasticityTensor | Define an cubic symmetry elasticity tensor in various ways |
CData | |
CDependencyDefinition | |
►CDependencyResolver | The DependencyResolver identifies and resolves the dependencies among a set of objects derived from DependencyDefinition |
CItem | |
CDerivative | |
CDiagnosis | Exception type reserved for diagnostics, so as to not conceptually clash with other exceptions |
CDiagnosticsInterface | Interface for object making diagnostics about common setup errors |
CDriver | The Driver drives the execution of a NEML2 Model |
CEigenstrain | |
CElasticity | |
CElasticityConverter | Base class for converters responsible for converting between different parameterizations of the linear elasticity tensor in different symmetry groups |
CElasticityInterface | Interface for objects defining elasticity tensors in terms of other parameters |
CElasticStrainRate | Calculate the elastic strain rate from crystal model kinematics |
CEmptyPrimitiveTensor | Create an empty PrimitiveTensor of type T from the input file |
CEmptyTensor | Create an empty Tensor from the input file |
CEnumSelection | Selection of an enum value from a list of candidates |
CEnumSelectionBase | |
CFactory | |
CFillR2 | Create a filled R2 from the input file |
CFillRot | Create a filled R2 from the input file |
CFillSR2 | Create a filled SR2 from the input file |
CFillWR2 | Create a filled WR2 from the input file |
CFixOrientation | Swap orientation plane when the singularity at \( 2 \pi \) is met with the modified Rodrigues vector |
CFlowRule | |
CForwardEulerTimeIntegration | |
CFredrickArmstrongPlasticHardening | |
CFullPrimitiveTensor | Create a full PrimitiveTensor of type T from the input file |
CFullTensor | Create a full Tensor from the input file |
CGeneralElasticity | |
CGTNYieldFunction | |
CGursonCavitation | |
CHITParser | A parser is responsible for parsing an input file into a collection of options which can be used by the Factory to manufacture corresponding objects. |
CIdentityTensor | Create an identity Tensor from the input file |
CImplicitUpdate | |
CInputParameter | A parameter that is defined by an input variable |
CInterOpThread | |
CInterpolation | The base class for interpolated nonlinear parameter |
CIntraOpThread | |
CIsotropicElasticityConverter | Converter for linearized elastic constants assuming isotropic symmetry |
CIsotropicElasticityTensor | Define an isotropoic elasticity tensor in various ways |
CIsotropicHardening | |
CIsotropicHardeningStaticRecovery | |
CIsotropicMandelStress | |
CKinematicHardening | |
CKinematicHardeningStaticRecovery | |
CKocksMeckingActivationEnergy | |
CKocksMeckingFlowSwitch | |
CKocksMeckingFlowViscosity | A scalar-valued parameter defined by (mu0 - D/(exp(T0/T)-1)) * exp(_C) |
CKocksMeckingIntercept | A scalar-valued parameter defined by (C-B) / A |
CKocksMeckingRateSensitivity | A scalar-valued parameter defined by (mu0 - D/(exp(T0/T)-1)) * exp(_C) |
CKocksMeckingYieldStress | A scalar-valued parameter defined by (mu0 - D/(exp(T0/T)-1)) * exp(_C) |
CLabeledAxis | A labeled axis used to associate layout of a tensor with human-interpretable names |
CLabeledAxisAccessor | The accessor containing all the information needed to access an item in a LabeledAxis |
CLDISolidMechanicsDriver | Large deformation incremental solid mechanics driver |
CLinearCombination | |
CLinearInterpolation | Linearly interpolate the parameter along a single axis |
CLinearIsotropicElasticity | |
CLinearIsotropicElasticJ2TrialStressUpdate | Update the trial stress under the assumptions of J2 plasticity and isotropic linear elasticity |
CLinearIsotropicHardening | Simple linear map between equivalent strain and isotropic hardening |
CLinearKinematicHardening | Simple linear map between equivalent strain and hardening |
CLinearSingleSlipHardeningRule | Linear slip hardening of the type \(\dot{\bar{\tau}} = \theta \sum \left|\dot{\gamma}_i \right|\) |
CLinspacePrimitiveTensor | Create a linspace PrimitiveTensor of type T from the input file |
CLinspaceTensor | Create a linspace Tensor from the input file |
CLogspacePrimitiveTensor | Create a logspace PrimitiveTensor of type T from the input file |
CLogspaceTensor | Create a logspace Tensor from the input file |
CMandelStress | |
CMatrixAssembler | Helper to assemble a matrix of tensors into a single tensor and also to split a tensor into a map of map of tensors |
CMillerIndex | Represention of a crystal direction or plane a Miller Index |
CMixedControlSetup | |
CModel | The base class for all constitutive models |
CMultiEnumSelection | Selection of multiple enum value from a list of candidates |
CNEML2Object | The base class of all "manufacturable" objects in the NEML2 library |
CNEMLException | |
CNewton | The nonlinear solver solves a nonlinear system of equations. |
CNewtonWithLineSearch | The nonlinear solver solves a nonlinear system of equations. |
CNewtonWithTrustRegion | The nonlinear solver solves a nonlinear system of equations. |
CNonlinearParameter | The base class for nonlinear parameters |
►CNonlinearSolver | The nonlinear solver solves a nonlinear system of equations |
CResult | |
►CNonlinearSystem | Definition of a nonlinear system of equations |
CJac | |
CRes | |
CSol | |
CNormality | |
COlevskySinteringStress | |
COnesPrimitiveTensor | Create a ones PrimitiveTensor of type T from the input file |
COnesTensor | Create a ones Tensor from the input file |
COptionCollection | A data structure that holds options of multiple objects |
►COptionSet | A custom map-like data structure. The keys are strings, and the values can be nonhomogeneously typed |
CMetadata | |
COption | |
►COptionBase | |
CMetadata | |
COrientation | Create batch of rotations, with various methods |
COrientationRate | Calculate the orientation rate from the crystal model kinetics |
CParameterStore | Interface for object which can store parameters |
CParser | A parser is responsible for parsing an input file into a collection of options which can be used by the Factory to manufacture corresponding objects |
CParserException | |
CPerzynaPlasticFlowRate | |
CPlasticDeformationRate | Plastic deformation rate with the default kinetics |
CPlasticFlowRate | |
CPlasticVorticity | Calculate the plastic vorticity with the default crystal kinetics |
CPowerLawIsotropicHardeningStaticRecovery | |
CPowerLawKinematicHardeningStaticRecovery | |
CPowerLawSlipRule | Power law slip rate of the form \(\dot{\gamma}_i = \dot{\gamma}_0 \left| \frac{\tau_i}{\tau_{h,i}} \right| ^ {n-1} \frac{\tau_i}{\tau_{h,i}} \) |
CPrimitiveTensor | PrimitiveTensor inherits from TensorBase and additionally templates on the base shape |
CQuaternion | A batched quaternion |
CR2 | Second order tensor without symmetry |
CR2Base | Base class for second order tensor |
CR3 | Third order tensor without symmetry |
CR4 | Fourth order tensor without symmetry |
CR5 | Fifth order tensor without symmetry |
CR8 | The (logical) full eighth order tensor |
CRateIndependentPlasticFlowConstraint | |
CRegistry | |
CResolvedShear | Calculate the resolved shears |
CRot | Rotation stored as modified Rodrigues parameters |
CRotationMatrix | Convert a Rodrigues vector (Rot) to a second order tensor (R2) |
CScalar | Scalar |
CSDTSolidMechanicsDriver | Small deformation total solid mechanics driver |
CSettings | |
CSFFR4 | The fourth order tensor with minor symmetry in the 1st and 2nd dimensions |
CSFR3 | The third order tensor with symmetry in the first two dimensions |
CSingleSlipHardeningRule | Any slip rule where all systems share the same strength |
CSingleSlipStrengthMap | A map between the internal variables and the slip strength, for the case where all systems share the same strength |
CSlipRule | Parent class of slip rules, mapping from resolved shear and internal state to slip rates |
CSlipStrengthMap | Parent class of maps between internal variables and the slip system strengths |
CSlopeSaturationVoceIsotropicHardening | |
CSolidMechanicsDriver | The transient driver specialized for solid mechanics problems |
CSolver | The solver solves a system of equations |
CSolvingNonlinearSystem | |
CSR2 | The symmetric second order tensor |
CSR2Invariant | |
CSSFR5 | The fifth order tensor with minor symmetry in the 1st and 2nd dimensions as well as in the 3rd and 4th dimensions |
CSSR4 | The symmetric fourth order tensor, with symmetry in the first two dimensionss as well as in the last two dimensions |
CSSSSR8 | The logical eigth order tensor with minor symmetry in the 1st and 2nd dimensions, the 3rd and 4th dimensions, the 5th and 6th dimensions, and the 7th and 8th dimensions |
►CStorage | |
CDereferenceIterator | |
CSumSlipRates | A helper model to calculate the sum of the absolute value of the slip rates |
CSWR4 | The symmetric fourth order tensor, with symmetry in the first two dimensionss and skew-symmetry in the second two |
CTensor | |
CTensorBase | NEML2's enhanced tensor type |
CTensorTypeEnum | |
CTensorValue | Concrete definition of tensor value |
CTensorValueBase | The base class to allow us to set up a polymorphic container of Tensors. The concrete definitions will be templated on the actual tensor type |
CThermalEigenstrain | |
CTimedSection | |
CTraceableSize | Traceable size |
CTraceableTensorShape | Traceable tensor shape |
CTransformable | Mixin class for things that can be transformed by a symmetry operator |
CTransientDriver | The driver for a transient initial-value problem |
CTrustRegionSubProblem | |
CTwoStageThermalAnnealing | |
CUserPrimitiveTensor | Create raw tensor of type T from the input file |
CUserTensor | Create raw Tensor from the input file |
CUserTensorBase | |
CVariable | Concrete definition of a variable |
CVariableBase | Base class of variable |
CVariableRate | |
CVariableStore | |
CVec | 3-vector |
CVecBase | Base class 3-vector |
CVectorAssembler | Helper to assemble a vector of tensors into a single tensor and also to split a tensor into a map of tensors |
CVoceIsotropicHardening | |
CVoceSingleSlipHardeningRule | Voce slip hardening when all slip systems share the same hardening value, \(\dot{\bar{\tau}} = \theta_0 \left(1 - \frac{\bar{\tau}}{\tau_{sat}} \right) \sum \left|\dot{\gamma}_i \right|\) |
CWR2 | A skew-symmetric second order tensor, represented as an axial vector |
CWR2ExplicitExponentialTimeIntegration | Explicit exponential time integration for rotations |
CWR2ImplicitExponentialTimeIntegration | Implicit exponential time integration for rotations |
CWSR4 | The symmetric fourth order tensor, with skew symmetry in the first two dimensionss and symmetry in the second two |
CWWR4 | The symmetric fourth order tensor, with skew symmetry in the first two dimensions and last two dimensions |
CYieldFunction | |
CZerosPrimitiveTensor | Create a zeros PrimitiveTensor of type T from the input file |
CZerosTensor | Create a zeros Tensor from the input file |