NEML2 2.0.0
No Matches
Development Environment

Configure and build (revisted)

The CMake configure and build commands were introduced in the Installation Guide. The commands were

cmake --preset release -S .
cmake --build --preset release

which uses the CMake preset named "release". The configure and build commands can take other CMake presets in the following form

cmake --preset {configurePreset} -S .
cmake --build --preset {buildPreset}

where {configurePreset} and {buildPreset} should be substituted with a configure preset and a build preset, respectively. In addition to the "release" preset, NEML2 offers a few configure and build presets useful for typical development workflows, defined in CMakePresets.json. Typical workflows and their corresponding presets are listed below.

Developing the C++ backend

cmake --preset dev -S .
cmake --build --preset dev-cpp

See also Testing/C++ backend/Setup for how to run tests once the library is built.

Unlike the "release" preset, the "dev" preset builds NEML2 with debug info (i.e., -g). Debuggers (gdb, lldb, etc.) can be used to step through the execution, set break points, navigate through backtrace, etc.

Developing the Python package

cmake --preset dev -S .
cmake --build --preset dev-python

See also Testing/Python package/Setup for how to run tests once the package is built.

Writing documentation

cmake --preset dev -S .
cmake --build --preset dev-doc

Once the documentation is built, the site can be previewed locally using

firefox build/dev/doc/build/html/index.html

Feel free to replace firefox with other browsers that support rendering of static html pages, e.g., google-chrome.


cmake --preset benchmark -S .
cmake --build benchmark

The "benchmark" preset builds the core C++ library along with the tests. In addition, it builds a simple runner to parse and run arbitrary input files. All test executables and the runner are linked against gperftools' CPU profiler for profiling purposes.


cmake --preset coverage -S .
cmake --build coverage

The unit testing executable is built with coverage flags set. Standard code coverage tools such as gcov and lcov can be used to capture and record coverage data.

Overriding presets

While the default presets should cover most of the development workflows, it is sometimes necessary to override certain options at various stages. In general, there are three ways of overriding the preset:

All three options are fully supported by the cmake-tools vscode extension.

Code formatting and linting

The C++ source code is formatted using clang-format. A .clang-format file is provided at the repository root specifying the formatting requirements. When using an IDE providing plugins or extensions to formatting C++ source code, it is important to

  1. Point the plugin/extension to use the .clang-format file located at NEML2's repository root.
  2. Associate file extensions .h and .cxx with C++.

The Python scripts shall be formatted using black. Formatting requirements are specified under the [black] section in pyproject.toml.

All pull requests will be run through clang-format and black to ensure formatting consistency.

For linting, a .clang-tidy file is provided at the repository root to specify expected checks.